
Silence might be golden but Smiling is priceless :)

2013年3月21日 星期四

0320 English Everyday

A great deal of the number of elderly increase in our society. Please bear in mind that we should treat senior citizens exactly how we want to be treated when we get older.


* a great deal of  + (n.)  大量的
* bear / keep in mind that + (clause)  牢記
* senior citizen  (n)  (禮貌用法) 長者
* elderly  (adj.)  年長的.
** the + adj. = N.   ex. the poor=the poor people 窮人, the elderly=the elderly people 年長者
* exactly  (adv.)  完全地,精準地  ex. Louis knows exactly how I like my milk tea.

~雀嘻, 英語小亭~ Tracy's English Corner

