
Silence might be golden but Smiling is priceless :)

2013年5月13日 星期一

0513 English Everyday : A Good Friend

A good friend is the one who is unable to save you, but tries his/her best to give you a hand. ~Tracy
"好朋友" 是即使沒辦法真正替你解決問題,也會盡他/她所能幫助你的人。
* be unable to + V   不會做、沒有能力做… 
   <=> be able to + V    會做、有能力做…     
   ex. Stacy is able to rent the house but is unable to buy the house.  (Stacy有能力租這間房子,但沒有能力買下它。)
* try one’s best to + V   盡力去做… 
   ex. As long as you try your best, no one will blame you.  (只要你盡全力去做到最好,沒有人會責備你。)
* give + someone + a hand   幫助
   ex. Could you give me a hand with this suitcase?  (你可以幫我提一下手提箱嗎?)

       ~~~~~By the way, this article is inspired by Yunling, my dear adviser and sister!~~~~~
~雀嘻, 英語小亭~ Tracy's English Corner

